Completing the DoIt


Some Infobase Learning Cloud courses include a DoIt section, which is often followed by a ShareIt section. For the DoIt section, we generally provide you a PDF to fill out and then you upload that to the ShareIt.

Access the DoIt from the DoIt tab in the course, and then click the blue Go DoIt button at the bottom. The page will open and then allow you to download the DoIt file; in some instances, you may need to allow pop-ups in your browser. Download the PDF and save it to your computer with a new title in a location that you can easily find again. 


To complete the DoIt, open your saved version and fill out your responses to the prompts, and remember to save your work again when finished. If you encounter any trouble with the fillable PDF, you may create your own Word document and use that to respond to the prompts from the PDF instead.

In some cases, you may be required to fill out your own Word document with your reflection for the DoIt, then save and upload that file to the ShareIt.

See more about ShareIts.

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