- Log in to your Canvas instance as an Administrator.
- From the left-hand menu, choose the “Admin” icon (currently a shield with a key inside).
- Select the name of your institution or account.
- From the list, scroll to and select “Developer Keys.”
- Choose “+ Developer Key” from the right-hand side of the screen.
- From the drop-down list, select “+ LTI Key.”
- The “Key Settings” screen will load.
- Enter the following information:
Key Name: Infobase Learning Cloud
Owner Email: [admin user email]
Redirect URIs: https://learningcloud.infobase.com, https://learningcloud.infobase.com/lti
Method: Manual Entry
Title: Infobase Learning Cloud
Description: With the Infobase Learning Cloud’s LTI Tool, instructors can search Infobase Learning Cloud’s online library of professional learning resources and technology training videos from within their LTI-compliant Learning Management System, as well as easily embed links to resources within courses and utilize grade center functions to record and present grades to students. This tool also allows faculty, staff, and students to have direct access to high-quality content from within their existing learning system—saving time, limiting distractions, and enhancing the learning experience.
Target Link URI: https://learningcloud.infobase.com/lti
OpenID Connect Initiation UrI: https://learningcloud.infobase.com/lti/login
JWK Method: Public JWK URL
Public JWK URL: https://learningcloud.infobase.com/lti/keys
LTI Advantage Services: Enable all options
Placements: Account Navigation, Link Selection, Assignment Selection
Link Selection: Target URI: https://learningcloud.infobase.com/ltiLink Selection: Select Message Type: LtiDeepLinkingRequest
Link Selection: Text: Infobase Learning Cloud
Assignment Selection: Target URI: https://learningcloud.infobase.com/lti
Assignment Selection: Select Message Type: LtiDeepLinkingRequest
Assignment Selection: Text: Infobase Learning Cloud
- Click Save.
- The Developer Keys area will display the new developer key just created. By default, the key state is Off. Change this to On.
- Copy the number provided under Details.
- From the left-hand menu, select Admin and then scroll to Settings at the bottom of the list.
- From the Settings navigation across the top of the screen, choose Apps.
- Choose View App Configurations.
- Select + App.
- From the Configuration Type dropdown, select By Client ID.
- Paste the number copied in Step 11 in the Client ID box. Click Submit.
- When prompted by the Add App dialogue box, select Install.
- From the External Apps list, find the tool added in the previous step. Click the down arrow next to the settings sprocket. Choose Deployment Id.
- Copy this Deployment Id. Provide the Deployment ID and Client ID (copied in step 11, visible from Developer Keys under Details) to your Customer Success Manager to continue the LTI 1.3 linking process. You will also need to specify the custom URL of your Canvas instance (ex. https://[myuniversity].instructure.com) for us to register.