Part 1: Register in your Blackboard
Part 2: Create Placement
Part 3: Add Content to Course (Deep Linking)
After your Customer Success Manager registers your instance of Blackboard:
- Log in to your Blackboard instance as an LMS Administrator.
- On the Administrator Panel, select LTI Tool Providers.
- Select Register LTI 1.3 /AdvantageTool.
- In the Client ID field, enter the Application ID of Infobase Learning Cloud LTI 1.3 tool: (to be provided to you by Infobase)
- Select Submit.
- You'll be brought to a page that displays the application's configuration settings from the Developer Portal. These values are read-only and can't be changed within Blackboard Learn. The Institution Policies section pulls preferences from the Global Properties. You can manage settings for the individual provider here.
- Select Submit to register the tool.
Adding a Placement
After you have added a new LTI provider, it appears on the LTI providers list. From here, you can place the tool in Learn. Creating a name and placing the tool in a menu in Learn is not required, but it makes it easy for users to find and use. Instructors adding the LTI tool to their courses don't have to know the tool URL or secret key.
- From the LTI Tool Providers page, open the tool's menu and select Manage Placements.
- Select Create Placement.
- In the Label field, title the tool “Infobase Learning Cloud”. This is the name that appears to users in a course.
- Add the following description: With the Infobase Learning Cloud’s LTI Tool, you'll have access to high-quality content from within their existing learning system—saving time, limiting distractions, and enhancing the learning experience.
- In the Handle field, name the handle “ILC.” To make the placement available, select Yes.
- Under Type, select “Deep Linking content tool.”
- Leave the checkbox for launch in a new window unchecked.
- Add the Target Link URI:
- Submit.
Adding Infobase Learning Cloud Content to a Course
- Navigate to your Blackboard course. Select Content.
- Under Content, select Build Content.
- Infobase Learning Cloud will be listed. Select “Infobase Learning Cloud.”
- The Infobase Content Selection Tool will populate, allowing you to search and select the content you would like to add to your course.