For users with appropriate administrative permissions to access statistical usage reports, find the Administrative section in the top right dropdown menu (click on your name), and then choose Reporting. Please refer to for step by step instructions on how to run each report.
All reports are printable and most can be exported with full details in CSV format.
Reports are available in several categories including:
- User Activity
- Training Progress
- Skills Assessments (based on ProveIt Assessments in courses)
- Exports (raw data for various report types)
Each category includes multiple report types.
User Activity:
- Activity Overview
- Detailed Training Activity (recommended)
- Unique View by User
- Most Activity
- Users by Location
Training Progress:
- Progress Overview
- Training Assignments Progress
- Training Progress by Series
Skills Assessments:
- Skills Assessments by Activity
- Skills Assessments by Assignments
- All Usage (recommended)
- Subtotal by Username
- Subtotal by Location
- Subtotal by Tutorial
- Subtotal by Series
- Progress Assignments