Moodle LTI 1.3 Adding Content


Please note: The information provided here is intended only to assist with some of the common ways our product can be integrated in this system. Our Help Site is not a comprehensive guide to use of the Moodle LMS, and our team can only assist with Infobase Learning Cloud integration; we are unable to provide support for any other aspect of Moodle functionality. Screenshots are provided for illustrative purposes but may not exactly match your own system, particularly since navigation elements can vary depending on your platform version.

Once you've completed the registration and administrative set-up pieces as outlined in our Moodle LTI 1.3 Instructions, and Infobase has confirmed set-up on this side as well, the steps here will help guide you in adding content to Moodle courses.

Adding Content via LTI 1.3

1.  Select Turn editing on.

2.  Choose Add an activity or resource.


3.  Under Activities, select External tool.


4.  On the Adding a new External tool page, find the correct tool (likely Infobase Learning Cloud, but each institution names it as they wish) from the Preconfigured tool dropdown.


5.  Click Select content.

6.   The Infobase Learning Cloud content search box should appear. Enter the keywords of what you want to add and Search. Select the course by clicking on the series title.


7.  Choose the materials you wish to include from the course asset list. Click on individual items, full sections, or use the Select All feature. (At least one asset will need to be checked.)


8.  Click on Preview Selections and review the selected materials list. If all looks good, click on the Add Resources button.


9.  Make any further desired settings for points/grading on the activity and choose the desired Save option.


10.  Repeat steps 2-9 to add further Learning Cloud content as desired.


Notes about grading:

If assessments are added along with videos a grade will not appear in the gradebook until all videos have been launched and all assessments have been completed. Once everything is completed, the gradebook will populate with the average score of the assessments taken. Grading works the same if assessments are added individually. The gradebook will not populate until all assessments have been completed, and the grade reflected will be their average score for all assessments added to that assignment.

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